
To attention of wedding photographers! If you have a personal site, you can set our Button, and get additional benefits on WedPx:


  1. Red star - near your name on all site WedPx there will be the red star which is favourably distinguishing you among thousands registered on WedPx, and also drawing to your brand additional attention of potential customers.
  2. Priority in ratings "The Best Wedding Photographers" - your name and brand is absolutely free receive the upper lines in ratings of the best wedding photographers. For example, in a rating: The Best Wedding Photographers it is visible that the accounts having a red star, go above all.
  3. Hundred links to your Personal Site from a site WedPx.com - load hundreds photos on WedPx and receive hundreds back links to your Personal Site - the link with your Personal Site according to each your photo which will increase number of visits of your Personal Site and recognition of your name and your brand.
  4. The link to your Personal Site in your profile - don't miss potential customers who already came into your profile and became interested in You - give them the chance to visit your Personal Site in one click.
  5. The link to your Personal Site in a rating "The Best Wedding Photographers" The link to your Personal Site in a rating "The Best Wedding Photographers" - in "The Best Wedding Photographers" rating under your avatar will be displayed the link to your Personal site that will allow customers to visit your Personal site in one click directly from "The Best Wedding Photographers" ratings.

Codes of our Buttons:

Best Wedding Photographer WedPx.com
Best Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photo

Rules of installation of Button code:

  1. The code of the Button shall be set on that site which is specified as your Personal site in profile settings.
  2. The code of the Button shall be set on the first page of your Personal site.
  3. The code of the Button shall be displayed without changes on pages of your site in a browse mode of a code of the page. If the code of the Button isn't displayed or displayed incorrectly, or the code is changed - claims in this case aren't accepted. Address to experts who will help you to set correctly a code of our Button on your site.
  4. Our code shan't be concluded in noindex, and other tags hindering an automatic indexing, search and visual identification of our link.
  5. Any methods of deliberate visual concealment of our button: through styles, scripts, frames, etc. - are punished by deleting accounts, and emails and sites of violators are blacklisted and become unavailable to further registration on a site WedPx.com.


In case of the correct installation of a code you get the specified advantages within a day. The button code on your site is checked automatically.




Question: What to do if You set the button, but the red star and other advantages didn't appear?
1 . After installation of a code it is necessary to wait days to allow to automatic equipment to check a button code on your site.
2 . If in a day the red star and other advantages didn't appear, it is necessary to check execution of Rules of installation of a code of the Button.


Question: Whether it is possible to set the button on a flash site?
Response: It is possible. Set a button code before a tag  </body> at the end of the page.


Question: Whether it is possible to set the button on the site made on WordPress, Joomla, DLE or other CMS?
Response: Text editors which don't allow to set correctly our code as automatically correct are built in many SMC and change all inserted scripts and codes. In this case before installation of our code it is necessary to disconnect the visual text editor in the administrator panel of your site. After installation of our code the text editor can be included again.


Question: What to do if the red star was, and then disappeared though the button on a site is set and on a site we changed nothing?
Response: Your site was unavailable at the time of check by our automatic equipment. In this case the red star will join in case of the following check approximately in a day.


Question: Whether it is possible to set the button on the free site made in WIX.com system?
Response: No. WIX.com system and to them similar don't allow to display third-party codes on the pages. The button on such sites will be visually visible, but won't work as retrieval robots don't see a code on such sites.


Question: How the Button long works?  
Response: The administration of WedPx reserves the right completely to change codes of buttons of times in half a year. It becomes to exclude the thrown sites and professionals who any more don't work at the market from our ratings. We try to support always up-to-date information in our ratings of professionals.





svadba, свадьба, wedding photo